Armored Knights, Skeleton Warriors and Dwarves are ready to battle it out for space on your toy shelf with the return of the Four Horsemen’s Fantastic Exclusive — the Fan-powered voting extravaganza that allows fans to choose and build their own armored warriors.
Mythic Legions is a six-inch scaled line that will allow you to create your ultimate army — piece by piece and bit by by bit — through the numerous voting rounds of the Fantastic Exclusive process.
While the details and a timetable have yet to be released, the Four Horsemen have promised that this year’s Fantastic Exclusive will allow for more fan involvement and interaction. They have also stated that this new 4-inch scale will open up possibilities that did not exist when fans chose Xetheus in Fantastic Exclusive 1, Ramathorr in Fantastic Exclusive 2, Scarabus in Fantastic Exclusive 3 and The Raven in Fantastic Exclusive 4.
If Mythic Legions is successful the Four Horsemen have even hinted at the tantalizing possibility of dragons, ogres, giants, trolls, beasts, vehicles and even playsets. To read more about their plans, just click Here.
For some spectacular shots of the Mythic Legions display at Toypocalypse 4 (as well as a lot of other stuff at the show) click at the end of this sentence to see some great Toypocalypse photos taken by the oft-imitated-but-never-duplicated Captain Toy himself, Michael W. Crawford.
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